#O134: Final Truth?

This small painting has been standing in my studio for about two months now. I keep tinkering with it. Would you believe it – it started out as a painting of an old shed with a red roof! I like the warm reflections on the bottom left, the reeds reminds me of a place where an old sage would sit and meditate as twilight came down.


I recently put the following quote from Robert Henri onto my Art Inspirations/Quotes page:

For an artist to be interesting to us he must have been interesting to himself. He must have been capable of intense feeling, and capable of profound contemplation. He who has contemplated has met with himself, is in a state to see into the realities beyond the surfaces of his subject. Nature reveals to him, and, seeing and feeling intensely, he paints, and whether he wills it or not each brush stroke is an exact record of such as he was at the exact moment the stroke was made.

Henri, Robert. The Art Spirit.

My painting above takes me yet again to one of my favorite poems. I have already quoted this in two earlier posts, but I cannot help but do so again:

To Magistrate Zhang

Late, I love but quietness:
Things of this world are no more my concern
Looking back, I’ve known no better plan
Than this: returning to the grove
Pine breezes: loosen my robe
Mountain moon beams: play my lute.
What, you ask, is Final Truth?
The fisherman’s song, strikes deep into the bank.

Original Poem by Wang Wei (translated by J.P. Seaton 
in The Poetry of Zen, by J.P Seaton and Sam Hamill)

Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you are happy and that you are content.

5 thoughts on “#O134: Final Truth?

      1. Fair enough Fritz. It came to mind because I was composing a piece a couple of nights ago along the lines of there never being enough room in a house to store the ideas and other products of the imagination. I was contemplating the need to extend the house for the purpose, but a good shed now …

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