#O179-182: A Grace of Sense

Sometimes I think of T.S Eliot when he wrote:

The trilling wire in the blood
Sings below inveterate scars
Appeasing long forgotten wars.
The dance along the artery
The circulation of the lymph
Are figured in the drift of stars
The inner freedom from practical desire,
The release from action and suffering, release from the inner
And the outer compulsion, yet surrounded
By a grace of sense, a white light still and moving,

(excerpt from Burnt Norton)


Pessoa wrote:

…for some reason or other (which might be that I’m tired of keeping the books or bored because I have nothing to do), I’m overwhelmed by a vague sadness about life, an inner anxiety that makes me nervous and uneasy. If I try to translate this emotion with close fitting words, then the closer the fit, the more they’ll represent my own personal feeling, and so the less they’ll communicate it to others. And if there is no communicating it to others, it would be wiser and simpler to feel it without writing it. But art is the communication to others of the identity we feel with them, without which there would be no communication and no need for it. I search for the ordinary human emotion that will have the colouring, spirit and shape of the emotion I’m feeling right now for the inhuman, personal reason of being a weary bookkeeper or a bored resident of Lisbon. And I conclude that the ordinary emotion which in ordinary souls has the same characteristics as my emotion is nostalgia for one’s lost childhood.


End of the road reached yet again as far as a strategic approach to spirituality and meditation is concerned. I was warned about this on retreat: “…if you are being strategic about this, you are lost…”.

Soko Morinaga wrote:

By meeting what you are faced with right now…in this very instant, completely without judgement or evaluation, you can transcend by far all question of cause and effect. You may be working in the kitchen or sweeping in the garden or cleaning the toilet or laboring for somebody else, but you do it without consideration of its relative merit. That means simply doing with all your might, becoming one with whatever situation in which you find yourself in this instant. I would like for you to clearly know that there is this other way of living your life. (emphasis mine)

Sit strong. Stay aware. Do not seek refuge in this world of cause and effect.


Thanks for visiting my blog!

11 thoughts on “#O179-182: A Grace of Sense

  1. I’m drawn, to the floral in orange scarlet surrounded by teals and blues. A warm flame, amidst the cooling blues. I enjoyed your other paintings as well, as the TS Eliot excerpt. Always a great and thoughtful read here Fritz, thanks for sharing!

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    1. Thanks Margaret! Yes, like I said to Debi, the floral was a bit of a detour to me. I am naturally a bit more drawn to the depth, ruggedness and inherent mystery of the landscape. The journey continues…

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